Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pile of Baby Rats

I bought 2 pet rats for my daughter, Rei, last month. They're super pets: they don't bite like hamsters do, they're the perfect size for her to hold and pet and they clean themselves, like cats. They even use a litterbox (but aren't as fussy about it as a cat is--oh well). Rei loves them. She thinks they're mice. =^.^=

I had to name them, since I couldn't get Rei to understand how to name them. One is white with a dark gray stripe, so I named her Stripe. The other is a tannish-greyish color that I think Rat fanciers call pearl-color. Well, I named the other one Silver.

Silver is a dumbo rat, which means she has bigger ears than a normal rat. She also came to us already pregnant. On the 14th of October, she had 10 little babies. Here's a picture of them. They tend to pile up. I took the pic yesterday, so they're getting their fur now and should open their eyes soon. They're going to be pearl color like their mom. I think we might keep 2 girls and Pet Barn said they'd take the rest. I know that since they're special rats, dumbos, that they'll be sold as pets, not food.

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